The Geek Initiative Contributor and Bardist-In-Residence Ysabel headed to the Warren County Sci-Fi Fantasy Day in Warren County, NJ on July 11, 2015. Ysabel met up with new and old friends alike – and the lady geeks were out in force!
- The geeks hit the streets!
- Dicebags by Erin selling really nifty handmade dice bags! Check her out on !
- Read Heart of Wonderland? Like fairytale mashups & female pro tags? Check out Kristina Garlick!
- LAIRE players showing brand new larpers how it’s done.
- Superheroes live after EVERY apocalypse. What superpower would you bring to life at Oblivion LARP?
- Sam and Ellen of Gaia’s Gifts are blessing dice at the WCSFF Day!
- Hitting up the lovely ladies of LAIRE! How does your larp do for gender diversity?
- Star City Tribal teaches improv tribal bellydancing relying on body language and are a tribe of dancers
- International Star Trek Fan Association knows all about fan written films and shows