Over the past year, the world has changed drastically in many ways. Once, larp flourished with in-person local events, where friends could get together and being within six foot of another human was the norm. Now, plagued with a deadly virus, humanity looks at the way it interacts and gravitates towards safer, less physical interaction. While this seems bleak, there are actually many positive aspects of taking larp games and driving a digital presence. Now, the Geek Initiative Larps is offering a unique opportunity for organizers to take their in-person games digital!
The Geek Initiative has always been a huge advocate for accessibility in a variety of factors. Whether price, physical restrictions, or just not being able to spend the night in a campsite – digital larp offers the flexibility to reach audiences that have previously been neglected.

Henry VII of England meets with other members of history in a discussion of the ages in the Geek Initiative Larp’s “Cafe Afterlife.”
Financial Accessibility For Your Larp Participants
Digital Larp is considerably more economical for participants, as it requires less of an investment. In getting ready for a weekend event, a participant is looking at the cost of the event, transportation to and from, a kit for potentially multiple days, and all the staples of being able to go to campsite or similar venue. Digital larp requires a cell phone or computer, and only the garb that is visible in a camera. You can eat at your own house, and don’t have to worry about paying for venue costs.
Digital Larp Can Grow Your Larp Community
Going digital can also help build a community because of the ease of access in communication. Someone who has never been to a larp event before would likely consider digitally meeting everyone online before committing to an in-person event. In addition, you allow for a much larger audience – where people can participate across the globe. This is especially critical for blockbuster events where participants place huge stakes in travel.
Special Event Larps and In Between Game Social Events
The Geek Initiative Larp team can create a freeform experience for your event attendees, such as a character holiday party, or something else that focuses on being a social event. We can also provide a virtual portion of an event for remote players to integrate into a physical event (so your participants can be both more inclusive and cater to multiple interests). This can add more flavor to your event and increase your overall revenue.

The Ship’s psychologist questions members of the crew at this unique in-person and digital Chariot event. The objective was to question everyone and look for flags that would warn of being compromised by a rouge AI program – which included talking to digital participants.
As is the case with many other aspects of our lives, the rise of digital identity is something that is not going to go away. This push towards a social aspect of life that is assumed online will not vanish with the rise of vaccines and herd immunity.
Reach out to us today and together we can create a unique digital experience for your game: tgilarps@gmail.com
It’s as easy as 1, 2, and 3.
Step 1: Send us an email at tgilarps@gmail.com.
Step 2: Work with us to collaborate a story fitting for your universe.
Step 3: With minimal time and no financial investment, collect from your crafted experience.